
bridget.eddy.footprint(dt_index, t_air, a, p, u, cov_uw, cov_vw, cov_wt, var_v, direction, tstamp, z=2.0, fetch=200, grid=500, method='Kormann')[source]

Top-level footprint function.

The calculation method is selected with the method parameter. Currently implemented methods are:

  • 'kormann': Kormann and Meixner (2001)

Other methods will follow, with the highest priority for the Kljun model (2015)

For further information about the methods check the References section. Leclerc and Foken (2014) are giving an overview of avaiable footprint models in chapter 1.3 and table 1.3 (p.12)

  • dt_index (list, datetime) – datetime list corresponding to the other variables, format: ‘%m.%d.%Y %H:%M’.

  • t_air (list, float) – air temperature [°C].

  • a (list, float) – absolute humidity [g/m3].

  • p (list, float) – air pressure [hPa].

  • u (list, float) – horizontal wind component for the direction in which the sonic is oriented [m/s].

  • cov_uw (list, float) – Covariance between the wind components u and w [m2/s2].

  • cov_vw (list, float) – Covariance between the wind components v and w [m2/s2].

  • cov_wt (list, float) – Covariance between the wind component w and temperature [(m*°C)/s].

  • var_v (list, float) – variance of v (horizontal wind component for the direction rectangular to the orientation of the sonic) [m/s].

  • direction (list, float) – wind direction [°].

  • tstamp (int) – index of the line/time at which the footprint is to be calculated.

  • z (float) – measurement height [m].

  • fetch (int) – upwind distance over which calculation domain to extends [m].

  • grid (int) – total calculation grid.

  • method (string) – pick a calculation method.


Leclerc MY, Foken T (eds) (2014) Footprints in Micrometeorology and Ecology. Springer, Berlin Kormann & Meixner 2001, An Analytical Footprint Model For Non-Neutral Stratification