
bridget.eddy.footprint_kormann(dt_index, t_air, a, p, u, cov_uw, cov_vw, cov_wt, var_v, direction, tstamp, z, fetch, grid)[source]

Footprint function to calculate the footprint after Kormann & Meixner (2001).

  • dt_index (list, datetime) – datetime list corresponding to the other variables.

  • t_air (list, float) – air temperature [°C].

  • a (list, float) – absolute humidity [g/m3].

  • p (list, float) – air pressure [hPa].

  • u (list, float) – horizontal wind component for the direction in which the sonic is oriented [m/s].

  • cov_uw (list, float) – Covariance between the wind components u and w [m2/s2].

  • cov_vw (list, float) – Covariance between the wind components v and w [m2/s2].

  • cov_wt (list, float) – Covariance between the wind component w and temperature [(m*°C)/s].

  • var_v (list, float) – variance of v (horizontal wind component for the direction rectangular to the orientation of the sonic) [m/s].

  • direction (list, float) – wind direction [°].

  • tstamp (int) – index of the line/time at which the footprint is to be calculated.

  • z (float) – measurement height [m].

  • fetch (int) – upwind distance over which calculation domain to extends [m].

  • grid (int) – total calculation grid.


  • fp (ndarray, float) – 2D array containing the footprint values [1/m2].

  • FP_east (ndarray, float) – 2D array containing the grid point distance east of the center point [m].

  • FP_north (ndarray, float) – 2D array containing the grid point distance north of the center point [m].

  • fp_norm (ndarray, float) – 2D array containing the normalized footprint values [-].


Kormann & Meixner 2001, An Analytical Footprint Model For Non-Neutral Stratification