
bridget.sap_flow.heat_pulse_velocity(temperatures, m_c, rho_b, probe_spacing)[source]

Calculate heat pulse velocity from temperature measurements of sensors using the heat pulse / heat ratio method.

This function calculates the velocity of the inserted heat pulse from the measured temperatures. (or does it?)

  • temperatures (list, numpy.array) – Array of two coupled temperatures per measurement depth

  • m_c (list, numpy.array) – Water content of the wood

  • rho_b (list, numpy.array) – Sapwood density

  • probe_spacing (int) – Spacing between the temperature probes and the heating


  • vh (numpy.array) – Array of heat pulse velocity per measurement depth.

  • t_rise (numpy.array) – timing offset in maximum temperature rise. Will only be returned if with_uncertainties=True.

  • var_mc (numpy.array) – variance in m_v Will only be returned if with_uncertainties=True.

  • var_rho (numpy.array) – variance in rho_b Will only be returned if with_uncertainties=True.

  • t_diffusivity (numpy.array) – temperature diffusivity Will only be returned if with_uncertainties=True.